
ISA 2014

ISA Interaction South America 2014

ISA Interaction South America 2014

About client:
Interaction South America (ISA) is the most important Interaction Design, User Experience, Technology and Innovation conference of South America. Every year, the ISA event is organized in a different city, and all the marketing materials are created from scratch for that particular event. 

About my job:
This work was designed while i was working at The UX Department. I had to make the website, always thinking about the idea of representing Buenos Aires in the esthetics and concept. Finally we came to this results, combining tipical elements, with other moderns, always trying to keep it clean and simple. The site needed to be usefull to the people who wanted to participate speaking and to the public too, so it had a lot of information, forms and differents functions we had to keep in mind.
